Five reasons to makeover your makeup bag

makeup bag makeover

What is a makeup bag makeover? This is a virtual online lesson where you can overhaul your makeup bag. Too many products? Unused products? Out of date products? Does this ring a bell! We are all guilty of it. This makeover will give you a fresh makeup bag of products that you know how to use and more importantly look good on you.

Is your makeup out of date?

Are you still using out of date products? Most clients I meet are unknowingly. Learn how to understand and to identify out of date products. I know we all love our mascara, however this carries lots of bacteria. In my online lesson I take you through how to recognise out of date makeup and yes we will throw it away! A useful tip if it smelly, mouldy or discolored it is most certainly out of date.

Does your makeup suit you?

Are you wearing colours that suit you. I don’t just mean foundation. No orange here! Foundation is something you want to get right. However, colours look differently on different skin tones. We all pick up our favorite shades. Do they make you look radiant? Are they colours that suit you?

Are you using proper skin care for your skin type?

Looking great with makeup on start with looking after your skin. You may have heard this before. It is so true! Makeup looks its best on clean and moisturized skin. I can take a look at your skin care products and help make sure you are using them to your full potential. By skin care I don’t mean a wipe and if your using wipes then you find overhauling your skincare a game changer.

Apply your makeup using the right techniques?

The makeup bag makeover will show you how to apply your makeup using the right techniques. Ditch those old habits and revive your makeup look. Is there a look you have been longing to achieve? I can show you how to perfect your day time look.

Are you using the right tools?

You don’t need lots of tools. However choosing the right ones will benefit your makeup routine in the long term. No more than five will help make a difference. Often clients hesitate to invest in tools but the right tools with makeover you makeup look in an instant.

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